"Speak softly and carry a big stick - you will go far ..."
The main idea behind this website is to have an integrated platform for my various academic profiles and point readers in the right direction if they want to find out what I do, what I work on, and why I do it.
This site is a far cry from pretty - I know - but as the Dangbe people in Ghana say: "muddy water can also be used to put out fire." Thus so this site serves its purpose, and I hope these pages are functional and user-friendly enough.
In time, this page will evolve as I add posts, share databases and insights on stuff that I actually feel knowledgeable enough for to discuss.
Dictatorships, Authoritarian regimes, Personalist rule, Sub Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Political regimes, Linkage-Leverage-Gatekeeping, Autocratic learning, Autocratic cooperation, Democratization, Diffusion, Regime typologies
So my parents did me the favor of calling me Jeroen J. J. Van den Bosch, I studied Area Studies (Slavonic Studies) and Political Science (International Relations) at the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium. At Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) I obtained my PhD on the topic of “Personalist Rule in Sub Saharan Africa.”
Currently, I (co-)coordinate two Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (www.eiscas.eu, www.eisips.eu) and work as a (developmental) editor within these projects. Moreover, I am managing student mobilities (STEM ED Study Abroad in Poznan On-site Director) and do other program management at AMU as well.
To access my pubications, cv, citations, orcid, etc. follow the links below.
work address:
Collegium Martineum (room 214) Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
ul. Święty Marcin 78 61-809 Poznań, Poland
📧 jvdbosch [@] amu.edu.pl